Recently, the League of American Bicyclists released a first-of-its-kind report showcasing a trend seen on streets nationwide: Women are changing the face of bicycling, and bicycling is transforming the lives of women.
Women on a Roll – a product of the League’s Women Bike program – compiles more than 100 original and trusted sources of data to showcase the growth and potential of female bicyclists in the United States.
“Increasingly, advocacy groups and industry leaders are recognizing the gender gap as a clear – and critical – limitation to growing the bike movement and the market,” said Carolyn Szczepanski, the League’s Director of Communications and Women Bike. “This report puts hard data behind that imperative – and reveals what’s working in getting more women on bikes and where there is clear opportunity to increase female leadership and participation.”
In conjunction with the League, Momentum Mag has put together an infographic that highlights 10 common myths about women cycling.
Download a large and printable PDF of the infographic here: 10 Myths About Women & Cycling
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I think you missed one, women can’t bike in skirts…
I agree, but why the hell is this above all about (US)American cyclists? Momentum was originally a Canadian magazine which has sold out to US spelling and syntax, and USian statistics.
Yes, there are women who say “I’ll never cycle in traffic” (they prefer “spinning”) but they are far less noxious than the aggressive men who cut us off, put us down and endanger our lives.
You are doing a great job, but your great stuff could reach even further if you improved accessibility to the texts. E.g. offer also a text-version / subtitles of the infographic. Works better for a lot of people in different settings, as well as for search engines and archiving ( web.archive.org etc )
Thanks for this infographic reference. (And yea, I’m one of Chamberlain’s noted many women cyclist bloggers….I think there were some men in her list which I haven’t figured out…. http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com )
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