Seo Young Deok is a visionary sculptor, breathing new life into forgotten materials. His works are intricately crafted from discarded bicycle chains to captivate the eye and evoke profound reflections on the human experience.
With meticulous attention to detail, Young Deok intertwines each link of the bicycle chains to form strikingly realistic human figures. Yet, these sculptures are more than just physical representations. They serve as poignant symbols, reflecting the complexities of modern society.
Born in 1983 in South Korea, Young Deok has emerged as a trailblazer in the world of contemporary sculpture. A graduate of the environmental sculpture department at the University of Seoul in 2008, Seo’s work transcends conventional boundaries, exploring the intricate relationship between humanity and its environment. Currently residing and working in South Korea, Seo’s artistic journey is characterized by a profound exploration of the human condition.
![Seo Young Deok]()
In Young Deok’s artistic universe, the chains symbolizes more than just the material from which they are crafted. They embody the constraints and struggles inherent in contemporary life – the burdensome ties that bind us to societal expectations and material desires. Through his sculptures, Seo invites viewers to contemplate the profound and often overlooked aspects of their own existence.
Each sculpture tells a story, conveying emotions ranging from solitude to introspection. With closed eyes and vulnerable postures, the figures exude a sense of melancholy, inviting viewers to delve deeper into the complexities of human emotion.
“I want to show, through my works, the portraits of our time where personal thoughts and lives are ignored,” he says, in his artistic statement. “We are shutting our eyes, ears, and mouth and suppressing our feelings. We are doing this convinced that there is no place where we can express our feelings and take comfort.”
Seo’s work extends beyond the confines of traditional sculpture. Through his exhibitions and online presence, he offers audiences a glimpse into his creative process and the inspirations behind his art. Whether through social media or in-person exhibitions, viewers have the opportunity to immerse themselves in Seo’s thought-provoking world.
In a society dominated by consumerism and superficiality, Young Deok’s bicycle chain sculptures serve as powerful reminders of the profound beauty that can emerge from forgotten materials. Through his art, Seo invites us to reconsider our perceptions of beauty and value, reminding us that true artistry lies not in the material itself, but in the transformative power of the artist’s vision.
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