Rovelo’s Tom Flood and his bold and captivating bicycle advocacy

Rovelo’s Tom Flood and his bold and captivating bicycle advocacy

You might not know Tom Flood, or recognise him in a Toronto bike lane, but if you’re part of the bike advocacy community, and active on social media, you’ve likely seen his work at Rovelo Creative. It is pushing boundaries, it is ushering in change and it is brilliant. Flood is tired of victim blaming, […]

You might not know Tom Flood, or recognise him in a Toronto bike lane, but if you’re part of the bike advocacy community, and active on social media, you’ve likely seen his work at Rovelo Creative. It is pushing boundaries, it is ushering in change and it is brilliant.

Flood is tired of victim blaming, tired of the societal norms that seem to dictate that vulnerable road users need to protect themselves or else. That we need to dress in head-to-toe neon with flashing lights outside of our body armour to keep safe while pedalling a bicycle in our communities. No. That’s not right.

Now, people are seizing Flood’s message and his creative works of art advocating for cyclists and other vulnerable road users and making posters, signs and banners of their own.

It’s a bicycle-fuelled revolution and we are here for it.



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Flood never intended to become a voice for bicycle advocacy, but the journey he embarked on has taken him from the world of advertising to becoming a prominent figure in the cycling community. With his creative approach, Tom has managed to connect with cyclists and advocates worldwide, making a significant impact on how we view and discuss urban mobility.

The Accidental Advocate

Flood been working in bicycle advocacy for years with Rovelo, but took it up a notch and in a new direction in October 2022 when someone asked him to create a shirt.

“I had no interest in doing it initially and never considered it,” Flood recalls. But as more people requested his designs, he realized there was a growing demand for the messages he was crafting. The simple act of designing a shirt turned into a movement that resonated with a much larger audience than he could have ever imagined.

Posters were the next step. Although he initially considered shipping physical posters, the cost of production and shipping would have made them prohibitively expensive. Instead, Tom opted to provide digital downloads, allowing people to print them locally. This decision not only made the posters more accessible but also enabled his messages to spread far and wide.


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“It’s incredibly inspiring seeing so many amazing people taking these messages and sharing them in their communities in so many different ways,” Flood says. “These have gone much further than I ever could’ve expected.”

Flood’s journey into bicycle advocacy can be traced back to a pivotal moment: the day he took his kids to school on their bikes. It was during this ride that Tom became acutely aware of the imbalance on the streets. “That was my moment of clarity when I finally saw the imbalance on our streets, and once you see it, you can’t unsee it,” he says.

We’ve all been there.

This experience sparked a shift in Tom’s perspective, driving him to use his skills in advertising for a new purpose. His background in the ad agency world, where he once worked on auto clients, provided him with the tools to craft powerful, resonant messages. Now, instead of promoting cars, he advocates for safer, more balanced streets.

He also sells merchandise featuring his designs at his online shop.

The Power of Collaboration

While Tom’s creative work has gained significant attention, he’s quick to credit the broader community for their efforts.

“I’m very lucky to have worked with so many amazing orgs, clients, and partners in this space, all who work incredibly hard,” he notes.

Tom’s work is part of a larger movement, one that involves countless individuals dedicating their time and energy to advocacy.

“There are so many people doing such amazing advocacy, much more than I have ever done,” he says.


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A Lifelong Love of Biking

Flood’s passion for biking runs deep. As a child, the bike was everything to him, and as an adult, it became his preferred mode of transportation. From his days in Toronto to his current home in Hamilton, biking has always been the best and quickest way to get around. “The bike was everything to me as a kid and continued to be as an adult… Later, I got into some recreational cycling, which was an absolute game changer for my mental health.”

Tom’s enthusiasm for biking extends to his appreciation for cargo bikes, a world he’s only recently entered. Thanks to Curbside Cycle and Riese & Müller, he’s been using a Load 60, which has opened his eyes to the serious utility they offer. “It’s a game changer and is really opening up my eyes to the serious utility they offer.”

The Hamilton Connection

Flood currently resides in Hamilton, where he enjoys the city’s access to beautiful spaces. One of his favorite places to ride is the rail trail out to Brantford. Reflecting on his time in Toronto, he fondly remembers the West Toronto Railpath and notes how much the cycling infrastructure has improved since he lived there.

Despite his growing influence in the cycling community, Tom is first and foremost a parent, juggling the demands of laundry, vacuuming, and other daily chores. Recently, he’s taken up running, which has been a welcome addition to his routine. And when he finds a spare moment, he enjoys listening to records, with music being a constant source of inspiration.

A Creative Spark for Change

Flood’s journey into bicycle advocacy might have started unexpectedly, but his creative approach and passion for safer streets have resonated with a global audience proving that sometimes, the most impactful movements start with a simple idea—and a bike ride to school.

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